Together in Paris

Monday, 18 February 2013

Bonjour, my beautiful bloggers!
On Thursday I went to Paris with my Sixth Forms Art department and spent a few days visiting the sights and some Art and Photography museums. I thought as this is a lifestyle blog as well as a beauty and fashion blog I'd give you all a brief overview of what I did while I was over there for you all!
So sit back and enjoy!

Day 1
We caught a ferry from Dover to Calais which took around an hour and a half. 
(I also did my first OOTD on the top of the ferry which I will put on a separate post)

 We arrived in Paris around 7.30pm due to the traffic. Hands down the worst traffic I have ever seen. As we were behind on time we didn't have time to unpack, so we just went to dinner and caught the metro to visit the Tour Montparnasse to get a breathe taking view of Paris at night. Here's a couple of the pictures I took that night!

We got back around 11 and completely collapsed in our beds Zzzzzzzz

Day 2

We left our hotel around 9.30am and headed to the Seine for a River Cruise. We got to see all of the major monuments and where a scene from Les Miserables was filmed which was great considering I'd just seen the film before I left.

This bridge is full of padlocks, that couples have put on to show that they will be with each permanently. (Sorry about the poor photos, It was too cold to go outside, so I had to take them through the glass)

Later on we visited the Louvre, to see some famous painting such as the Mona Lisa which surprisingly was the size of an A3 piece of paper. My highlight of the Louvre was the glass Pyramid, It looked beautiful all lit up in the evening.

This is me and Britt (Follow her here

Day 3

We went to visit the Rodin Museum where statues such as the thinker are located. It was a beautiful day and the perfect time to try out my new fish eye lens!

We then moved on to the Musee d'Orsay which wouldn't allow photographs to be taken of the paintings so I didn't manage to take many inside.

Later on we went for a lovely meal out in Paris.

 Final day/Going home

Today was the day we left the beautiful city of Paris and returned home to good old Norfolk. Before we left we visited the Pere Lachaise cemetery where the famous writer Oscar Wild was buried. Unfortunately we couldn't find his grave. Our bad luck didn't end there, We missed our 3.30 ferry back to Dover and couldn't catch another until 6.30. Luckily we had plenty of films to watch to pass the time

I hope you enjoyed this slightly different post to what I usually do.
 Tell me what you think below!

1 comment

  1. Paris, how fun! And I love the huge LV ad!

    Nikki xx


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